Freimaurer in Zürich Loge Fidelitas

Welcome to the Masonic Lodge FIDELITAS

The Zurich Lodge for men and women. Masonic Lodge No. 9 of the Liberal Grand Lodge Austria,
Member of the International Masonic Association CLIPSAS.

We are very pleased about your interest and invite you to explore our FIDELITAS website and learn more about Freemasonry in Switzerland.

The Masonic Lodge FIDELITAS Zurich is the only „Mixed Lodge“ in the German-speaking part of Switzerland with a balanced proportion of men and women, and also of „young“ and „old“.

For us Freemason Lodge members, FIDELITAS is a place of togetherness and reflection, where we strive for a lived humanity. The Lodge is a welcome balance to everyday life, contributes to deceleration and mindfulness and supports the recharging of energy, which has a positive effect on everyday activities.

The members of FIDELITAS are committed to the principles of Freemasonry and cultivate its traditions and customs. The basic ideals of Freemasonry, i.e. freedom, equality, fraternity, tolerance and humanity, are to be lived in everyday life. Freemasons are committed to a social order of social justice and to the implementation of the concept of humanity.

The Masonic Lodge FIDELITAS is a Mixed Lodge for women and men with its registered office in Zurich, which was founded in Zurich in March 2017. The Lodge is German-speaking, its structure is an association under Swiss law and is subject to the provisions of the ZGB. As per end of 2024, FIDELITAS has changed its affiliation to the masonic umbrella organisation LGL (Liberal Grandlodge Austria).

The Mixed Masonic Lodge FIDELITAS Zurich cultivates a modern, committed and open-minded Freemasonry. It is well networked nationally and internationally. The lodge is located in the immediate vicinity of Zurich-Stadelhofen railway station.

Freemasonry is an attitude, not a world view. It is not a religious or political association, nor is it a sect, but a discreet community of responsible people. Masonic customs use symbols that date back to the cathedral builders of the Middle Ages and confer to the meetings a deepening meaning.